WireStamp brings WiseIntro, a whole new marketing tool for the GigsThe platform aims to give small businesses and freelancers a simple path to a more visible online presence

One problem that persists with gig economy workers, self-employers and any ‘micro-business’ is the issue of income security. In a modern, digital world, one way to attract new clientele then is with an online presence where one can showcase their work. This can be through social media pages like Facebook and Instagram or by having a personal or company webpage. WiseStamp, the marketing tool that lets users include social profiles and dynamic email apps in their emails has now launched WiseIntro, a new tool that combines both these outlets together to quickly establish an online presence where people can showcase past work. WiseIntro is a tool that aims to provide an online presence for self-employers and ‘micro-businesses’ where they can showcase their work and try to gain leads. Just like WiseStamp’s email solution integrates with a variety of apps, so does WiseIntro’s webpage builder solution. It claims to let users automatically display their latest social posts, listings, merchandise, photos, and more, depending on the user’s’ specialty.  A wedding photographer, for example, can showcase their portfolio using the Instagram app. When visitors check out the website they will be able to see the latest Instagram posts and decide if that photographer suits  their needs. WiseIntro aims to equip users who may not have the tools, resources, or knowledge to create a website, with simple tools to help them professionally market themselves and grow their business online. Since most players in the field target SMBs, WiseIntro decided to target gig economy workers such as freelancers and other self-employed professionals. “We want to provide our customers with a simple solution in a complicated world of online options to better promote their business with WiseIntro,” said WiseStamp’s CEO Orly Izhaki. “In just two weeks our closed beta received 5000 published websites and 1000 paying customers, and now that WiseIntro is ready for launch we are really excited to see what is in store.” The launch includes a partnership with GoDaddy, with the goal of allowing users to seamlessly purchase a domain name without leaving the WiseIntro platform. With a strong core of dedicated WiseStamp users, it’ll be interesting to see the traction that WiseIntro will receive. However, website building is a crowded space, offering any freelancer, self-employed and professional a plethora of options to choose from.