Motorists take a double turn The Stanislaus County message sign was set up on Carpenter Road with the intention of informing passing drivers that there was construction work going on further down the road. Kelly Glenn, who lives near the sign reported that the sign had been changed to display “Trump is a b****”. “Oh man, I thought it was pretty crazy,” Glenn said. Stanislaus County Public Works Director Matt Machado said that in the decade that he has been on the job, this was the first time he had witnessed anything like this. The prankster apparently cut cables to make the change. Once done, he stole the display’s controller and locked the unit with a padlock of his own so that officials would not be able to change it. Serious Consequences This prank exposes how easy it can be to break in and change signs. While this one might have been meant to be taken as a light-hearted joke, the consequences could have been much more serious. Machado has said that there are nearly 2,000 accidents on county roads every year, nearly 30 of those resulting in deaths. Signs like these are put up to prevent them, but meddling with them can cause more harm than good – by distracting drivers which may lead to accidents. The sign board is expected to be back up on Wednesday – which is when the replacement parts are expected to arrive – with the correct display.