While Zuckerberg did speak about serious things like whether we would have to pay for Facebook (no) and exciting new technologies like 360° video and VR, but one of the first questions that took him by surprise was, “Mark, are the allegations true that you are secretly a lizard?” read Zuckerberg on Facebook Live. Taking his own time to answer this question, he replied “I’m going to have to go with no on that. I am not a lizard,” he said. “But keep the high quality comments coming in please, this is surely on track to be a great Live Q&A if we continue getting stuff at that level of quality,” Zuckerberg continued sarcastically. Questioning whether certain famous people are lizards is actually kind of a big thing on the internet. There have long been conspiracy theorists who believe that the world’s most powerful people are actually lizards cloaked in giant human-shaped costumes. However, to make things more fun, comedian Jerry Seinfeld joined Zuckerberg later in the Live video, which had mostly fun Q&A and not one full of Facebook news. You can watch the full Facebook Live session video below.